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Deploy the Console

This article is about enabling the console on a controller that is running in a container.

  1. Configure the controller

    The console's zac binding must be on the same web listener as the controller's management API, i.e., the edge-management binding.

          - binding: zac
    location: /ziti-console
    indexFile: index.html
    • location is the filesystem path to the static files of the console. In the controller container, the usual path is /ziti-console.
    • indexFile property is the entry point to the console.
  2. To apply the changes, the controller must be restarted.

  3. Visit the console at /zac/ on the controller's address.

    The console is now available at https://<fqdn>:<port>/zac/.

  4. Log in to the console.

    The only available authentication method for the console SPA is username and password.

  5. Console certificate option - The console is served from the controller's API and can be used with the default API certificate. The controller can be configured to present a different certificate for the console when the API is accessed by a distinct URL for the console. For more information about using alternative server certs with the controller, see: the configuration reference for the identity property.


The controller container includes the latest version of the console. You can instead mount console versions >= 3.0.0.

  1. Download a release.

  2. Unzip the static files and set read and list permission.

    unzip -d ./ziti-console ./
    chmod -R a+rX ./ziti-console
  3. Mount the console files read-only on the controller container.

    - ./ziti-console:/ziti-console:ro
  4. Restart the controller service to apply the changes.

    docker compose up ziti-controller --force-recreate